The Inspired Hive

Inspiration for a creative home


Using typography as art inspiration

While working on living room decor, I bought lots of picture frames to put around the room. Soon enough, I realized that I don't have many pictures to display that aren't of just Pete and I. As much as I love our engagement and wedding photos, I can't have a whole house full of them! So I started looking for ideas for art to fill some of the frames until I can come up with some good family and friend photos to display.

I ran across this typography that someone posted on tumblr. Inspiration! 

I wanted to add some color to it, but I really really liked the font they used so I didn't want completely wing it. So I printed out the typography as a visual guide and free handed it onto my paper with a pencil.

Then I got my paint ready. I ended up adding some grey to tone down the color a little bit.

I took my brush and traced the letters. I did a few coats in order to clean up the lines. The paint kept feathering out due to to the texture of the paper, so it definitely took some patience!

I put it in a frame I bought on clearance at A.C. Moore. I love sales :)

Tah dah!

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